In Case You Were Wondering, My Son Is Still AWESOME!

I feel like I've neglected Cooper on the blog lately.  I've been trying so hard to keep the pregnancy stuff up to date, I struggle to stay current on the boy.  But he is still the most amazing kid on the planet!  Here's a little round up of what he's been up to this summer.

 While Daddy was working on the retaining wall, he found a baby bullfrog.  Cooper loved talking to it and watching it hop around. He even gave it a name.  He wasn't to keen on touching.  Somehow, Mommy worked up the courage.

"I sink I'll name him Judy!"

Mother's Day

 Coop is becoming quite the little helper in the kitchen.  Over Memorial Day weekend, which we spent just chilling at home, he used a butter knife to help Daddy cut up a watermelon.

"I'm gonna lick it!"

I don't think the rind had quite as much flavor.

Cooper has an interesting way of saying several words.  This goes beyond the fact that he is still developing the ability to make certain sound.  Lellow for example - he is perfectly capable of making the "y" sound, but he still says lellow instead of yellow.   With other words, I really have no idea  why he says them the way he does, but it's adorable and I wouldn't dare correct him. Just a few examples to illustrate my point:

  • Musgic - this is music.  Why there's a g in the middle, I will never know.  Lately, when we are driving to/from school in the mornings he gives me a list of things he wants to do.  It always goes something like this: These are my questions.  First, I want to having quiet time, then a little talking time and then some musgic time. Okay? Those are my questions. 
  • Chlocate - no I did not spell it wrong.  If you ask him what anything tastes or smells like, odds are the answer will be chlocate. 
  • Score - we've been watching a squirrel in our backyard for months.  It likes to attack the bird feeder Coop hung up with his daddy.  It runs along the fence and stalks the cat.  Pretty entertaining.  Coop insists that it's a score.  If you tell him otherwise, he will correct you.
Cooper has always enjoyed music.  Lately it's a lot of the Frozen soundtrack.  He likes for us to sing Love Is An Open Door as a duet.  I do the girl part and he does the boy part.  It's totally nerdy and I LOVE it!  I'm not sure why the resurgence in popularity, but we have been hearing Jesus Freak by DC talk a ton lately.  It always seems to come on just as we are arriving at our destination.  He insists that we stay in the car until it's over.  He gets this scowl on his face and bobs his head to beat.  It's pretty fantastic.  And really, is there a better song for your son to love?

So, as you may have imagined, Cooper is still amazing.  I know he has no idea what he's in for with a baby on the way.  I'm just trying to soak up all the Coopy-goodness while I can.  Love you Little Man!

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