30 Weeks

How far along?  30 weeks

Total weight gain: up 14 lb.  I talked with my doctor this week about my weight gain.  She wasn't concerned at all.  So I'm going to quit trying eat so much junk in an effort to gain and go back to fruit....aaaaahhhh, fruit. Peaches and watermelon and strawberries and...  Sorry, I digress.

Baby is the size of:  Moosey - this little moose came all the way from Branson.  It's like a sock monkey with antlers.  Coop's grandparents brought it back on of their trips before he was born.  He's never really played with it, but wants it in his room.  I guess because that's where it's always been.  :)

Maternity clothes? Seriously! Is it inappropriate for me to just live in a maxi skirt for the next few months?  I don't know why maternity pants are such a struggle this time around, but I am grateful there are mainstream dresses that are roomy enough to accommodate the bump.
Stretch marks?  No new ones.  
Sleep: Same as last time.  Getting a little tougher to get comfortable, but still doing okay. 
Symptoms: I've actually been more nauseated in the last couple of weeks than I was in my first trimester. It's nice that I was sick then, but it's weird that I've felt sick now.  This sickness has, thankfully, never been productive.  But it has caused some appetite issues.  There are lots of days when I'm hungry, but nothing sounds good.  What's a girl to do.    
I've started noticing my sciatic nerve.  It doesn't hurt, but I am aware of it.  Tanner bought me an exercise ball to sit on and that helps a lot.  A tune up at the chiro is also in order.     
Movement:  It's pretty much a 24/7 gymnastics meet in my uterus right now.  Cate likes to stretch out, conveniently crushing Mommy's internal organs.  She pushes a foot out on my right side so far that you can almost count the toes.  She's a wild woman! 

Food Cravings:  Nothing in particular.  Every once in a while at work I smell fried chicken. I'm not usually much of a fried chicken eater, but I do start to drool a little when I  smell it. Miss anything? I miss running. I know, I'm sick and twisted.  I'm sure once I get the okay to workout again, this desire will miraculously vanish.  :)

We go for a follow up ultrasound to check the location of the placenta this week.  I'm praying for good news, but still trying to prepare my heart for if it hasn't moved.  I know I am not in control and will have to continue giving up more of what little control I'm desperately clinging to. Trying to see this as a little lesson if faith - I serve a big God who has a better plan.

Cooper wanted to show us how big his baby is.  Apparently it's the size of Ninja Turtle skateboard.  He still assures us that there is a baby boy in his tummy.  Not sure how this will all pan out when his baby is ready to come out...

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