A quick Pinterest search will find you about a million articles packed with advice for new moms. I am in no way attempting to recreate some of the brilliance that exists out there. This is just an honest list of advice I wish I had been given (or actually listened to).
1. He will be tiny, but only for a moment. Enjoy him! Marvel at how the precious little sound he makes after he sneezes. Treasure the moments of him sleeping on your chest. Kiss his bare shoulders, fuzzy with newness.
2. He will grow. You will turn around and he will be a man-child sword fighting with his Daddy. He will ask to be tucked in like a bean burrito. He will pull a rainbow out of his butt! He will make you laugh until you cry. You will cry because you make the hard choice to stick to your guns when he starts testing boundaries. No matter how much you want to make it stop...he will grow.
3. You will make mistakes. You will get angry with your husband for not recognizing that you are drowning. You will get angry with your child because he just. won't. sleep. You will mess up, wish you had done things differently, want a do-over. Forgive yourself. That's worth repeating. FORGIVE YOURSELF. Tomorrow is another day, another chance.
4. You will need help. People may offer to help - accept any and all offers. Give them your grocery list, let them do your dishes. If you can convince them to clean your ceiling fans...you, my friend, are a rock star! Don't try to entertain these people who come to offer help. Feed the baby and sleep - these are your 2 jobs while help is in your house. Let someone else change diapers (unless you just really enjoy changing diapers. In that case, by all means, have at it!).
5. This too shall pass. For better or worse, this too shall pass. You WILL sleep again, I promise. I know this doesn't help when you haven't slept for more than 30 minutes at a time since you met this little bundle of "joy". I swear to you, it will get better. Maybe not today, or tomorrow...but you will sleep again. The bad news here is that the good passes, too. The gummy grins, the hysterical laughter because you turned your head, the "I don't know" hands. These pass before you even realize they are gone. And you will miss them desperately.
6. Give your body time. You just put your body through a 10-month marathon. You grew a person for crying out loud!!! Now your body is capable of producing all the nourishment your baby needs. Your body is a strong, amazing, miraculous creation! Yes, you may be a little squishy in the middle. Yes, it will take time for your body to resemble the one you once knew. No, you do not have to be satisfied hanging on to those last 5 pounds. Although you may not lose them until after you stop breastfeeding. You may get back to pre-baby weight and find that things just don't land exactly where they were before baby. Whatevs! YOU GREW A PERSON!
7. Find some mom-friends. These can be moms you know and admire. These can be strangers in a Facebook group. Just find your tribe. Find moms who will not judge or be catty. Find moms who will challenge you without making you feel bad for doing your own thing. These moms know that every baby, mom, and family are different and there is no magic bullet. These moms will support you and hold you up.
8. There will be times you feel completely lost. There will be times you just go through the motions, get through the day, survive. This mom thing isn't for wussies! It is hard - more challenging than anything you have ever done. You can do this. You WILL do this. Take a minute, say a prayer, and keep going. Vent to your mom-friends and know that you are not alone.
Tanner and I often felt like punching people because they told how hard it was being parents. They made it sound like torture. We just wanted to tell everyone to shut up and let us enjoy it! I'm hear to tell you, it is hard. But it is also AWESOME!
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