13 weeks...ish.

I went back to the doctor on Thursday.  I gained a pound which still puts me down one altogether.  I'm sure I will gain that last one back pretty quickly.  Based on a second ultrasound, she said I was at 13 weeks 1 day.  My original calculations put me at 12 weeks 3 days.  I know this probably sounds like I'm splitting hairs;  I just want this baby to get plenty of time to grow.   So, at least for now, I'm going to stick with my original due date of August 11 and just forget about what the ultrasounds say.  No rushing, Little One; you stay put as long as you'd like.  Although, speaking of ultrasounds, we scheduled THE BIG ONE!  As long as Pipsqueak will cooperate, we will be finding out the gender on March 6th.  We are not-so-patiently waiting and hoping the next few weeks go by quickly. 

But as soon as I type that, I feel a pain in my heart.  My Baby Boy will 3 in a little over 2 weeks.  He will go from being a toddler to being a preschooler.  PRESCHOOL!  Seriously!?!  I just don't know where the time has gone.  I will not cry...I will not cry...I will NOT cry.  Who am I kidding?  I'm crying right now!  I just want him to always be little and precious and inquisitive and innocent.  I feel like those days are numbered. 

He is at such a fun, albeit trying at times, age.  The other day we were driving home from school and the sun was setting on the horizon.  We were rocking out to some Toby Mac and he was dancing like crazy.  Pretty soon we hit a bumpy patch of road. He excitedly pointed at the horizon and said, "Look Mommy! The sun is dancing!"  I love the way his sweet little brain sees the world.  Nothing makes you appreciate the creativity of God more than a child.

I guess that's it for now.  See you next week!

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