Cate - 6 Months

This girl!  She just refuses to stay a baby!  If I could keep her right at this age for a little while, I might.  Although, I do look forward to her someday sleeping through the night.

She learned the sweetest trick this month - kisses!  She often reaches those pudgy little paws up, plants them on my cheeks and lays a big, slobbery kiss on me.  It's adorable and little disgusting...mostly adorable.

At her 6 month check-up, she weighed in at 18lbs 10 oz (90%) and measured 26.5 inches long (75%).  I think she must be growing one big brain in her 98th percentile head (45.5 cm).  Glad she grew that and wasn't born with it.  ;)  She got 2 shots this time.  We tried out our Buzzy and it worked okay.  Not the miracle I was hoping, but she at least calmed down enough to nurse.  We are going to give it another go at Coop's 4-year check up.  Wish us luck!

Cate is sitting up completely unassisted.  She can't get there on her own just yet, but it we set her on the floor with some toys, she will sit and play for the longest time.  It's fun to see what toys she is drawn to.     Oddly enough, she seems to really enjoy her babies and her brothers cars.  She's a renaissance woman.

She seems to really enjoy exploring new foods.  We have taken a baby led weaning approach giving her pieces of foods and allowing her to feed herself.  She loved sweet red pepper, celery, and crackers.  We have also attempted to spoon feed oatmeal and sweet potatoes.  At this point, she seems to prefer feeding herself.  

We are having so much fun watching our little Cate-bug grow.  Stay sweet Little One!

She is very entertaining and loves make
silly faces at her brother.

Be still my heart.  Those eyes!

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