Cooper's 4th Birthday Party & Interview

Ever since Cooper and I went on a date to see Big Hero 6, he has been a little obsessed. Unfortunately, the movie doesn't come out on video for a few weeks.  Coop may or may not get a late birthday present.  :)

Per our usual, we had lots of family and lots of fun!  Once he started opening gifts, it was like a tornado of tissue paper swirling with happy children hit our living room.  We have no idea what gift came from whom.  It was about ten minutes of uncontrollable chaos.

He's also been ridiculously obsessed with YouTube videos of playdoh surprise eggs - giant Easter eggs filled toys, covered in playdoh.  People record themselves opening the eggs to reveal what's inside.  I don't understand the appeal, but since many of these videos have millions of hits, at least I know he's not alone.  Daddy worked very hard to make Coop his very own surprise egg.

Last year, I started what I hope becomes a tradition in our family.  I have a list of questions that I ask Cooper (and someday, Cate) on every year his birthday.  Check out last year's answers here.

1. How old are you? FFFOOOUURRRR!
2. Who is your best friend?  Cate
3. What is your favorite thing to do?  Wrestle my daddy.
4. What is your favorite color? Blue
5. What is your favorite food?  Broccoli
6. What do you like to do with your family? I like to sleep in your bed (he said with a sheepish grin). And plant my garden.
7. What is your favorite toy?  My truck that goes "bbbzzzzzzzzz".  Turns out this is the truck that a friend had given him.  You pull a string and the truck shakes. 
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor
9. What makes you happy? When you hug me.  In case you are wondering, that is in fact the sweetest answer...ever.
10. What makes you sad?  When I hurt myself.
11. What is your favorite show to watch?  Big Hero 6
12. What is your favorite book?  Goodnight Sleepy Bear because it's when we go to sleep and hop in our bed.
13.  What do you love to learn about? Letters
14.  What was the best part of your birthday?  Blowing up balloons (which we were doing while I was interviewing him).
15.  Where do you like to go?  Wal-Mart
16.  Who is your teacher at school?  Miss Molly & Miss Linda
17.  What is your favorite snack? Bananas because they're so yummy.
18.  What do you think about before you fall asleep.  My dreams.  I dream about when my birthday is coming.
19.  If you could meet someone famous, who would it be?  Miss Linda
20.  What is your favorite birthday present?  A Big Hero 6 Baymax.  It has to be all white with a line and then we draw circles for eyes.  I want to meet the real Baymax.
21.  Is there anything you want to tell me about being 4?  Yes, but it's cool though.  It's.....I'M FOUR!

To Cooper on Your Birthday...

Dear Cooper,

I've never been one of those girls that was terribly boy crazy.  But, there are few men in my life who are worth writing about. Papa Bob - he gave me my name. He raised me to be strong and faithful.  He taught me about hard work and gave me love for music. Your Daddy - he changed my name. He and I jumped off the deep end with no fear of failure!  Had we known how hard things would be sometimes, we may not have been so hasty.  But we were (and still are) so in love...  Your daddy and I grew up together. We chased degrees and careers and found that there was still something missing.  You.

You, sweet boy. You changed my identity.  You not only gave me the new title of "Mommy", but you changed the very core of who I was.  So many times I felt completely incapable of being a good mom.  I felt stretched thin and tired.  I felt selfish for wanting a break while, at the same time, wanting more time with.  There were times when we were apart that I missed you so intensely, I didn't know that I could continue to bear it.  And there were times we were together that I wanted you to take your snotty little face somewhere else so I could sit on the toilet by. my. self. 

You have grown me and changed me.  Helped me realize my selfishness and understand my mother.   While other men in my life have been influential, you are mind blowing.  You took the worst parts of me and exposed them.  You were also gracious and forgiving in your ignorance of those parts of me.  You were the one to finally give me even the loosest grasp of just how much love God has for me.  Because I know the love he gave me for you.  You, Cooper-man, made me better.  You are my life's work.  You are my proudest moment.  You are my precious boy. 

So today, on your birthday, I am so proud of my name.  The name only you could give me. 

With a kiss to hold onto,


Cate - 6 Months

This girl!  She just refuses to stay a baby!  If I could keep her right at this age for a little while, I might.  Although, I do look forward to her someday sleeping through the night.

She learned the sweetest trick this month - kisses!  She often reaches those pudgy little paws up, plants them on my cheeks and lays a big, slobbery kiss on me.  It's adorable and little disgusting...mostly adorable.

At her 6 month check-up, she weighed in at 18lbs 10 oz (90%) and measured 26.5 inches long (75%).  I think she must be growing one big brain in her 98th percentile head (45.5 cm).  Glad she grew that and wasn't born with it.  ;)  She got 2 shots this time.  We tried out our Buzzy and it worked okay.  Not the miracle I was hoping, but she at least calmed down enough to nurse.  We are going to give it another go at Coop's 4-year check up.  Wish us luck!

Cate is sitting up completely unassisted.  She can't get there on her own just yet, but it we set her on the floor with some toys, she will sit and play for the longest time.  It's fun to see what toys she is drawn to.     Oddly enough, she seems to really enjoy her babies and her brothers cars.  She's a renaissance woman.

She seems to really enjoy exploring new foods.  We have taken a baby led weaning approach giving her pieces of foods and allowing her to feed herself.  She loved sweet red pepper, celery, and crackers.  We have also attempted to spoon feed oatmeal and sweet potatoes.  At this point, she seems to prefer feeding herself.  

We are having so much fun watching our little Cate-bug grow.  Stay sweet Little One!

She is very entertaining and loves make
silly faces at her brother.

Be still my heart.  Those eyes!