Cooper celebrated his 9 month birthday this week! He's such a big boy. He now has 2 teeth and is trying to stand his own. It's really more like sitting slowly, but still, no hands! I'm thinking he's got to be going through a growth spurt. His appetite has been unreal lately! I think instead of a college savings plan, we need a grocery savings plan. If he's already eating like a teenage boy, what will it be like when he is, in fact, a teenage boy?
This morning for breakfast he started with Puffs. These have little to no nutritional value, but they buy some time. After that he ate a huge bowl of Creamy Apple Oatmeal. This a special mommy blend of oatmeal baby cereal mixed with applesauce and breastmilk. He's a big fan! He then ate almost an entire snack pack of mandarin oranges - this was a first. He seemed to really like them. At church, he ate tons of Cheerios like he always does.
Lunch consisted of Puffs again (they travel well), Yogurt Melts, Potato soup, bread and chicken. We went to Johnny Carino's so we mostly gave him bites of our meals, which he always loves. He had a few graham crackers for a snack in the afternoon. Probably would've eaten more, but it was too close to dinner. Dinner - this is when the insanity started! He ate baby food (broccoli and carrots, followed by a fruit blend), pork tenderloin, about two (adult size) helpings of creamed corn and some peaches. The volume that he ate was unreal! I kept thinking he would start spitting which, to mommy, means dinner is over. We've tried to teach him to sign "all finished" but he hasn't really picked up signing yet. He ate until we finally cut him off. His tummy was huge! Could've taken all the naked bath tub pictures I wanted without showing a thing. ;)
The funny thing is that I was afraid he was getting sick. He has been really grumpy and just not himself today. Turns out he was hungry! It's not like we were trying to starve him. We just never dreamed he could pack away that much food!
He's been a really weird sleep routine lately. Not sure if it has something to do with an upcoming developmental milestone, medications, or just a bad habit. He's been waking twice during the night and often won't let us put him back in his crib without a fight. He's been struggling with separation anxiety at daycare; maybe that's the culprit. I've stopped going to nurse him at lunch. It's just gotten too hard to peel a screaming baby out of my arms when I take him back to his class. By the way, I'm still very happy with his daycare. They love him and (as long as I'm not around) he loves them.
Thinking back, the rough nights seemed to have started when we put him on Singulair. We tried leaving that off tonight, as well as playing some music in his room. Keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath.
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