It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year's that time of year again.  Carols, trees, family, food, presents and Jesus.  We have had a wonderful Christmas season this year.  We baked cookies, read bible stories, saw lots of lights, drank hot chocolate, played in the snow, sang songs, watched movies and spent lots of time together as a family. 

We spent Christmas Eve at home all together.  This is a first for us.  We stayed in our pjs and played games most of the day.  That evening we tossed some reindeer food (glitter and oats made by a couple of his friends from school) in the yard and then Cooper got to open one present.  He got new pajamas (Captain America) an Avengers cup and Planes.  We got dressed in the new pjs, filled up the cup and headed upstairs to watch his new movie.  We miraculously got him in bed on time and then Mommy and Daddy proceeded to do elf some duties.

I was the kid on Christmas morning - up at 7am and anxious to open presents.  All Coop wanted to do was sleep.  I went in to see if he was ready to get up and was told, "I'm still sleeping."  Eventually, he woke up and we got the party started!  We began with a quick bible lesson about why we give and receive gifts at Christmas and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.  Then Coop opened a few presents from Mommy and Daddy and few wrapped gifts from Santa and then the big one...  A new Hot Wheels track from Santa set up and ready to go in his playroom. 

After breakfast and a few hours of playing with his new toys, Mimi, Papa, Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Buddy and cousins, Payton and Merit, came  over for Corbin Christmas.  We ate a bunch snack food, and opened LOTS of presents.  After the wrapping paper tornado was somewhat cleaned up, Cooper had one more surprise for everyone...

This guy is going to be a big brother!
He was happy to announce that he is going to be a BIG BROTHER!  The Corbin Crew couldn't have been happier.  I only wish I had been quick enough on the draw to catch their reaction with a camera of some sort. 

A few days later, we celebrated Christmas with the Langdon side of the family.  Again food, presents, wrapping paper tornado.  And again we got to share some exciting news.  My mom and opened their presents last (steaks for Dad, an Origami Owl necklace with all the grandkids' birthstones for Mom).  A few got a little suspicious when I was explaining that each little stone in the necklace represented a grandchild.  Jeremy (brother-in-law) insisted that we count them to make sure there was no subtle announcement being made.  I assured them that were only six.  We then handed out the last gifts - one envelope for each family member.  It's not uncommon for us to give a family gift to each family and after we assured them that the necklace was not an announcement, the suspicions seemed to have settled.  {hee hee hee}

Everyone opened the envelope to see this:

I was a little more prepared with the camera this time around.

So needless to say, we had a very exciting Christmas.  Each gift a reminder of the precious gift God sent us that first Christmas when he sent his one and only son to live among us.  For this gift, I am most grateful.

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."  John 1:14

Cooper funnies - thanksgiving weekend

C: cars are not cool.
M: what is cool?
C: monster trucks. And my daddy. 

Bing Crosby singing White Christmas. 
C: that's a country one! 
M: a what?
C: a CRUNCHY one!

After a particularly stinky poop
C: I get 5 points!
After washing hands, goes to the living room. 
C: Daddy, I have points in my heart! 

Daddy got some raspberry mints. Coop loves them! Funny thing is, he calls them ornaments! Too cute!

C: may please I.....?
If he wants to do anything, he asks, "May please I...?" 
If we say no, he pouts and says, "But I said 'may please I'!"
It's a little heartbreaking, but sometime the answer is no even if you use good manners.